5183393036Have you received a call from 518-339-3036? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (518) 339-3036518-339-3036 / (518) 339-3036 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by kathy clarity on December 03, 2018"tell the owners of this line to stoo usig it for fraud" CALLER COMPANY: Janice Degennaro Submitted by George Clarity on November 23, 2018 "Fraud being perpetrated with this phone line." CALLER COMPANY: Realty USA Submitted by George Clarity on October 25, 2018 "Fraud being committed by person using this number. The real estate salesgirl from Realty USA janice Degennaro is dead. This phone as well as this person have been reported to state and local police for harassment. Disconnect this fake line. Degennaro is dead." CALLER COMPANY: Realty usa Submitted by Kathleen Clarity on November 15, 2017 "Crank calls from a supposed real estate office under Trulia. Calls have been traced to a person who is dead known dead since April 1, 2017. Identity theft and possible fraud. Person was not a realtor. Janice Degennaro formerly of Realty USA if this phone is being used from her former office they know that she is dead and that she gave up her realtor license the year prior. We have orders of protection and are concerned someone is still using this phone. The owner was taken to court for harassment so we would like to see shut down. Dead people do not need phones." CALLER COMPANY: Former company Realty USA and Trulia DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 518 3393036? SUBMIT A REPORT |