8007619938Have you received a call from 800-761-9938? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (800) 761-9938800-761-9938 / (800) 761-9938 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Business on February 13, 2020"Claimed to be con edison and they were going to cut off the electric bill. Said that I havent payed in 3 months when in fact I did and demanded $1000 in cash." CALLER ID: 1-800-761-9938 CALLER COMPANY: Con Ed Submitted by Russell Gerlach on February 12, 2020 "I was told a "smart reader" had been installed and it was still unpaid therefore we'd be cut off. No such item was installed. I called the # they gave me, they hung up on me." CALLER ID: CON Submitted by mary on February 12, 2020 "from Con Edison saying they are going to cut off my electric in 30 minutes I do not have Con Edison" CALLER ID: 1-800-761-9938 CALLER COMPANY: Con Edison DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 1-800-761-9938? SUBMIT A REPORT |