8558342057Have you received a call from 855-834-2057? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (855) 834-2057855-834-2057 / (855) 834-2057 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Joan Hill on May 25, 2020"Same thing about an X Guard subion for 429.98 and to call 1855-834-2057 if I did not make this purchase Doc#569397969857" CALLER ID: 821-49 CALLER COMPANY: App Store Submitted by Guest on May 18, 2020 "I also received a text message saying that I made a 439.00 purchase and said that if I didn’t make that purchase to call them immediately. I called them and they explained that my account was hacked due to a lack of “security†and that I should set up a security plan That will cost me over 100.00 for a 5 year plan. That’s when I hung up." CALLER ID: 1-855-834-2057 Submitted by Guest User on May 18, 2020 "Received a texted saying I was charged $439.97 for a subion. It said to call 1-855-834-2057 if I was not the one who placed this order. I’m afraid that this is a phishing attempt." Submitted by tiny on May 14, 2020 "received a text that i was charged $400+ dollars and to call this # if i did not, we called and the man barely spoke english and would not tell me what company he worked for then hung up on me." DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 8558342057? SUBMIT A REPORT |