8583244726Have you received a call from 858-324-4726? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (858) 324-4726858-324-4726 / (858) 324-4726 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Elaine on October 05, 2020"The scammer is using the phone number 858-324-4726 and acting like he is a representative from EBAY. I called EBAY and they confirmed that this number is not apart of them. Them scammed me out of over $1,000 dollars" Submitted by Elaine on October 05, 2020 "This telephone number 858-324-4726 is a person acting like that are representing EBAY and its a scam. He is taking peoples EBAY cards and telling people that they will received products. I called EBAY and the confirmed that 858-324-4726 is a scammers phone number" DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 858-324-4726? SUBMIT A REPORT |