8774566396Have you received a call from 877-456-6396? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (877) 456-6396877-456-6396 / (877) 456-6396 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Roger Seeman on September 11, 2019"Same story, Laptop lock, call 1-877-456-6396, I did not go further. I Googled the number and found this report." Submitted by Sue Ross on September 07, 2019 "Also read that I had a lock on my laptop ...gave me this phone number 18774566369....my laptop was giving a loud signal......stated this message was from Microsoft.....hung up the phone....he froze my laptop.....will call my server" Submitted by James Tevis on September 07, 2019 "had a lock on my computer sign, said if I closed the window, my computer would crash. I called this number, a foreign speaking man tried to get me to do keys on keyboard so he could get my personal info. He gave me a phony street address in LA Calif. I told him he was a scammer and he told me to go back to my country. I am already in the USA where I was born!" CALLER ID: 1-877-456-6396 CALLER COMPANY: Microsoft (he said) DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 1-877-456-6396? SUBMIT A REPORT |