8885460416Have you received a call from 888-546-0416? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (888) 546-0416888-546-0416 / (888) 546-0416 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by David Johnston on December 19, 2018"this number came up when it locked my computer and to call them to unlock my computer. I turned my computer off and it went away. I called and found out they said they work for Microsoft but they do not and are scammers." Submitted by JR88 on December 10, 2018 "This number came up in an "ad" on my computer while my mom was on it. It said to call 1-888-546-0416 to unlock the computer. She did and they walked her through "unlocking" it. I'm sure it was a scam and they probably tried to steal info. At least this computer's not used for banking or shopping." CALLER ID: N/A DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 8885460416? SUBMIT A REPORT |