9412132818Have you received a call from 941-213-2818? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (941) 213-2818941-213-2818 / (941) 213-2818 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Joe Davis on August 29, 2019"Same as the others but they didn't say kindly. I hung up on the scums." CALLER ID: 9412132818 Submitted by Nathan on August 29, 2019 "Robotic voice says "... Department is to inform you that there is a legal enforcement actions filed on your social security number for fraudulent activities. So when you get this message kindly call back at the earliest possible on our number before we begin with the legal proceedings that is 616-274-1124. "" Submitted by Spencer Joseph Bjorklund on August 29, 2019 "Social Security the reason you've received phone call there's a legal enforcement action filed on your social security number ... so when you get this message kindly call back at earliest possible on our number before we can begin with the legal proceedings..." CALLER ID: 941-213-2818 CALLER COMPANY: Unidentified Company DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 941-213-2818? SUBMIT A REPORT |