410100002Have you received a call from 1-410-100-002? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number 1-410-100-0021-410-100-002 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Ben on August 14, 2019"FRM: Your CHASE-CARD-XXXXXXX...Your Chase card services got suspended." Submitted by bob on August 08, 2019 "FRM:Your CHASE-CARD-2W44PO has been stopped. MSG:" Submitted by Anon on August 04, 2019 "FRM: Amelia Pickles SUBJ:H MSG:Hello" Submitted by JR on July 17, 2019 "Received a text from1-410-100-002 on 7/17/19 at 6:42 am pst. Our support security dept. requires you to verify your Facebook account details. This is a scam." CALLER ID: xcllplxbuo CALLER COMPANY: unknown Submitted by Aussieonyak on July 13, 2019 "Unsolicited Text from 1(410)100-002 claiming to be Wells Fargo and saying "CALL:833 802-3182 Now MSG:410Security Ticket ID:410" Clearly SPAM as I have absolutely no dealings with Wells Fargo and the Ticket number the same as the Message number and same as the Phone # call zone?? did not respond to it" CALLER ID: WELLS FARGO: Submitted by Jstanotherlovetextrecipient on July 03, 2019 "FRM: Maria Contreras TO: me (listed full name, concerning) Listed an address in my city that doesn’t exist and a link of which I ignored. Poor Maria likely making pennies per hour, heated warehouse conditions and 15 kids to feed. Nah...couldn’t give a hot second of cow poop...we reap what we sow." CALLER ID: 1410100002 CALLER COMPANY: Maria Contreras Submitted by Jstanotherlovetextrecipient on July 03, 2019 "FRM: Maria Contreras TO: me (listed full name, concerning) Listed an address in my city that doesn’t exist and a link of which I ignored. Poor Maria likely making pennies per hour, heated warehouse conditions and 15 kids to feed. Nah...couldn’t give a hot second of cow poop...we reap what we sow." CALLER ID: 1410100002 CALLER COMPANY: Maria Contreras Submitted by Jstanotherlovetextrecipient on July 03, 2019 "FRM: Maria Contreras TO: me (listed full name, concerning) Listed an address in my city that doesn’t exist and a link of which I ignored. Poor Maria likely making pennies per hour, heated warehouse conditions and 15 kids to feed. Nah...couldn’t give a hot second of cow poop...we reap what we sow." CALLER ID: 1410100002 CALLER COMPANY: Maria Contreras Submitted by VICTIM on June 19, 2019 "yes" CALLER ID: Schwabs@ Submitted by Ken Snyder on June 19, 2019 "FRM:sms info MSG Account: Compromised" CALLER ID: 1 (410) 100-002