2262403453Have you received a call from 226-240-3453? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (226) 240-3453226-240-3453 / (226) 240-3453 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Deny on September 17, 2019"They call me live the message for call back tht number.about csis they say .i called number its line is bussy" Submitted by Sam on September 09, 2019 "Left an automated message, claimed to be calling from Canadian Security something, the message was cutting off eventhough it seems to be from a landline! Asked me to call back immediately to prevent legal investigation! So wierd, seems to be a scam" CALLER ID: 226 240 3453 Submitted by Cg on September 06, 2019 "Same here. How likely is it that CSIS or Service Canada will leave an automated, english-only message if this was genuine? Seriously?" CALLER ID: 226-240-3453 Submitted by Celestia on September 06, 2019 "I called this number back and a guy claiming to be Sam Hawkins answered the phone saying he worked for Service Canada. I called Service Canada and it wasn’t the number he used! This is a scam!! Do not fall for it. Report and block!!" Submitted by 2262403453 on September 06, 2019 "SCAM!!!" Submitted by EB on September 06, 2019 "Yup, probably a scam" Submitted by John on September 06, 2019 "SCAM! Do not call back. This is NOT CSIS, they just want to steal your money." Submitted by Amanda on September 06, 2019 "Called about my ssn being suspended and I need to call them" CALLER ID: 2262403453 CALLER COMPANY: Na Submitted by Carla on September 06, 2019 ""Call from service Canada that Canadian Security Investigation about legal action being taken on SSN being suspended"" Submitted by Shawn on September 06, 2019 "Called me the last two day (9/05. 9/06) about CSIS being after me."