3237638471Have you received a call from 323-763-8471? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (323) 763-8471323-763-8471 / (323) 763-8471 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Anonymous on November 20, 2018"323-763-8471,SPAM?LOSANGEL, 4:39PM, 11/19/18, Male stated; "Fraud Department Contact Received Report Fraudulent Activity Network Computer Network Breach, Block Computer, Get back to us at 323-763-8471 or we'll be obliged to shut down your computer & if you don't get back to us, we'll serve an arrest warrant to you in your name. Call 323-763-8471." CALLER COMPANY: SPAM?LOSANGEL Submitted by Anonymous on November 20, 2018 "323-763-8471,SPAM?LOSANGEL, 4:39PM, 11/19/18, Male stated; "Fraud Department Contact Received Report Fraudulent Activity Network Computer Network Breach, Block Computer, Get back to us at 323-763-8471 or we'll be obliged to shut down your computer & if you don't get back to us, we'll serve an arrest warrant to you in your name. Call 323-763-8471." CALLER COMPANY: SPAM?LOSANGEL Submitted by steve on November 19, 2018 "scam about computer breach total bs" Submitted by Trac on November 14, 2018 "Called claiming to be from Microsoft, stating I was fraudulently using my software..Initially it was a auto message, telling me to call them or risk being arrested.. but i listens soo long an agent came on and I told them .. to take me off their call list, I dont accept fraudulent calls. and he said ok.." CALLER ID: 3237638471 CALLER COMPANY: claimed they were microsoft DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 3237638471? SUBMIT A REPORT |