3239967594Have you received a call from 323-996-7594? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (323) 996-7594323-996-7594 / (323) 996-7594 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Sakura on August 28, 2021"This is an EDD scam. They send you some text saying you need to update your user profile to continue using it and include spam/ ransom ware link. It is sent usually as a text message." Submitted by Sakura on August 28, 2021 "This is an EDD scam. They send you some text saying you need to update your user profile to continue using it and include spam/ ransom ware link. It is sent usually as a text message." DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM (323)996-7594? SUBMIT A REPORT |