Report the Call


Have you received a call from 360-113-3000? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (360) 113-3000

360-113-3000 / (360) 113-3000 Phone Number Reports:

Submitted by AMCH on October 18, 2017
"ANNOYING! Calls and when answered is quiet until I ask who is calling then says hello and hangs up! Caller ID is same as number.This number has called other times too. I am crippled & its extremely difficult & annoying to get to the phone for these spam callers."


Submitted by Chascilee on September 27, 2017

CALLER ID: 3601133000

Submitted by Justin Moore on September 26, 2017
"This number calls my number 5 to 10 times an hour all day long, or until I answer the call, out of frustration. When I finally answer, the person on the other end informs me that they are calling on the behalf of the US GOVERNMENT and that I am eligible for a loan from the government. If I say that I am not interested the call is immediately terminated, on occasion when I have engaged the caller asking questions, they become rude and abusive. I have reported this to the FTC. I continue to receive calls from these people. When I tried calling the number back, there is no answer."


Submitted by Herblady on September 26, 2017
"Received 4 calls to my cell from this number within 3 hours. Answered the 4th call out of frustration and it took 5-6 seconds for the muffled opperator to say "you get loan from u.s. government" and the another sentence I could not understand. I said I would not be interested at this time and before I finished my sentence the call ended abruptly. In light of the recent data breach, this is a bit unnerving."

Submitted by Ty Brewyet on September 26, 2017
"Some Indian women said I got a grant from US government for 9K and I owe money or something. Could barely understand her bc the accent. Please dont ever give your information out on a random phone call lol."

CALLER ID: 360-113-3000

Submitted by victim on September 26, 2017
"No one said anything. But I figured this is scam call. Because several days ago, from a different number, they say they represent US government. But with strong foreign accent! And wanted to give me money. Then say they represented IRS that I owned money. And I am being sued. Well, do not tell these foreign groups anything from 360 113 3000. The police is after them."

Submitted by carolyn smith on September 25, 2017
"Hang up."

CALLER ID: 360-113-3000

Submitted by Edith on September 25, 2017
"Some guy said I got a grant from US government for 9K and they randomly ed 1500 and I was the lucky one. They gave me the claim ID and a phone # to call back 360-469-5406 (not sure the last digit) there was a lot of background noise"

CALLER ID: 3601133000

Submitted by Bruce Green on September 25, 2017
"A time consuming call, you tell them not to call again and it won't be no time until they call again."

CALLER ID: 360-113-3000
CALLER COMPANY: 360-113-3000

Submitted by Kathleen Miller on September 25, 2017
"This Indian woman said I am entitled to money from the US government, she asked me for a bank account or money card account information. I proceeded to tell her I do not have one. She got mad then said "well what the ***** then" and then hung up on me."

CALLER ID: United States


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