4086597272Have you received a call from 408-659-7272? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (408) 659-7272408-659-7272 / (408) 659-7272 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Thetruth101 on April 25, 2020"Didnt say anything just sent me gore of cartel bodies. I seen some of these on scams come from escort sites at times usually saying that the john wasted girls time and were asking for more pictures. However its a dead give away as the coversations dont match up to the threat. The odd thing is that its always mexican cartel with mexican victims; never any othe ethnicity. Meaning it wouldn't make sense if it was actual tragedy happening in lets say San Francisco because that would be all over the news and would have different ethnic victims, not mexican cartel images the scammer found on a website. Usually escort relate scenarios post on cityxguide and contact you with a different number." CALLER ID: (408) 659-7272 DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 4086597272? SUBMIT A REPORT |