Report the Call


Have you received a call from 456-464-5512? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (456) 464-5512

456-464-5512 / (456) 464-5512 Phone Number Reports:

Submitted by Jay Johnson on July 14, 2014
"A man called that he workk for Microsoft and wanted me turn my computer on because hackers want to attack my computer and he is going to help me. I said no I hang up and call me with unknown number and it was the same person. He hand over to another person claim to be a supervisor, I ask his number and he gave me 424-256-1717"

Submitted by david on July 11, 2014
"man calls claiming he is working for window. I know it's a scram microsolf window dose not call people. I tell him don't call anymore , but he keeps on calling"

Submitted by Tim M on July 07, 2014
"Have called before and also called 3 times today alone. I never answer."

CALLER ID: Unavailable

Submitted by Chad M on June 19, 2014
"2 calls - didn't answer them - googled the number and all this came up! DON'T ANSWER NUMBERS YOU DON'T KNOW!!"


Submitted by Alyson on June 17, 2014
"Got 2 calls from this number today. First time, nobody was there (or hung up). 2nd time got a guy saying that my computer had been sending out errors and they were calling me to help me "fix" it. When I said that I could not allow that as it was a work computer and I would have to clear any/all activity through my IT dept, he got frustrated and said "Do you want me to help fix your computer or not? I don't have a lot of time." I said 'not' and they hung up. Sounds like a scam to me."

CALLER ID: Intentl Call

Submitted by MARY on June 13, 2014
"I received a call from a man who had an accent and advised he was calling with regard to my computer. I advised that I was not interested. He was persistent and advised my computer is having problems. I threatened him that I would file charges if he called again and that I was registered with 'DO NOT CALL' agency."

Submitted by Sick of callers on June 12, 2014
"Robo call simply said, "Good bye" and hung up."

CALLER ID: unavailable

Submitted by Rob B on June 11, 2014
"Individual report he knew my computer was being hacked and tried to get me to execute a few commands to get the license key at first said he was from Microsoft and then changed story to not from Microsoft. When asked what country he was in he hung up."

CALLER ID: name not found
CALLER COMPANY: unknown would not identify

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