5305009487Have you received a call from 530-500-9487? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (530) 500-9487530-500-9487 / (530) 500-9487 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Jo loff on April 15, 2019"You have 290.00 in your service account,to collect it or subscribe,press one. I did nothing and some guy with a Asian accent came on the line..I knew it was a scam call and yet old him so. I hung up. Thought tge xall was from family but realized the scammers are using area codes from our family in other areas to try and scam us." DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 5305009487? SUBMIT A REPORT |