6302966771Have you received a call from 630-296-6771? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (630) 296-6771630-296-6771 / (630) 296-6771 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Robert Buecker on May 14, 2019"I have repeatedly asked the person calling not to call. He ignores my request. This caller continually fills up my voice mail box." CALLER ID: Lemont IL CALLER COMPANY: Omar Palsey Submitted by Robert Buecker on May 10, 2019 "The person calling identifies himself as Omar Palsy (Halsy). I do not know why he keeps calling. I have left a message, for him to remove my phone number from his list. Yet, he has not done so. He calls, quite frequently, using different caller ID numbers." CALLER ID: Lemont IL Submitted by Robert Buecker on May 09, 2019 "This caller is named Omar Palsey or Halsey. I cannot quite make out his last name, as he is hard to understand. His message says that if I wish to have my phone number removed from his list, I should leave a message. His pre-recorded message does not indicate the reason for the call. This person has called many, many times, and his caller ID changes quite frequently. Once again, I asked that my number be removed, and I also informed him that if he calls again, I will report him to the Better Business Bureau. Thank you." CALLER ID: Lemont IL CALLER COMPANY: Lemont IL Submitted by Robert Buecker on May 07, 2019 "I re-dialed the number, that called, and this is the same guy who has called many times. His last name is Hulsey. I have told him many times to remove my name from his calling list. Seems like the Dumbo does not understand English. He has changed his called ID from unknown name to Lemont, IL. He keeps the same phone number he is calling from. It has come to the point where I have gotten rude with him, and yet he persist in calling. Please block his calls. Thank you." CALLER ID: Lemont, IL CALLER COMPANY: Lemont, IL Submitted by Robert Buecker on May 01, 2019 "The caller did not leave a message. I re-dialed the number and got a message from a person identifying himself with the last name of Hulsey. Message to the Do Not Call Registry - I have reported this person, many times, and he continues to call. Why? The number he is calling from is always the same." CALLER ID: Unknown name CALLER COMPANY: Unknown name Submitted by Robert Buecker on April 30, 2019 "I re-dialed the number that called and got the following pre-recorded message: Welcome to Verizon Wireless. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check your number and dial again. Switch 4 1 7-1." CALLER ID: Unknown name CALLER COMPANY: Unknown name Submitted by Robert Becker on April 24, 2019 "The caller did not leave a message. I re-dialed the number that called and got a pre-recorded message: Message for the Report the Call Registry: I receive this same pre-recorded message from phone number that I re-dial on a daily basis. This guy keeps calling, his name is Paul Halsey, and I have previously left him a message instructing him not to call again. He ignores my request. Please block his calls. Thank you" CALLER ID: Unknown name CALLER COMPANY: Unknown name Submitted by Robert Buecker on April 20, 2019 "The caller did not leave a message." CALLER ID: Unknown name CALLER COMPANY: Unknown name Submitted by Robert Buecker on April 15, 2019 "The caller did not leave a message. NOTE TO DO NOT CALL RESIGTRY, PLEASE STOP THESE DAILY CALLS COMING FROM 630-296-6771" CALLER ID: Unknown name CALLER COMPANY: Unknown name Submitted by Robert Buecker on April 14, 2019 "The caller did not leave a message. NOTE: I have received calls from this same phone number which I have reported many times before, yet I am still receiving calls from this person." CALLER ID: Unknown name CALLER COMPANY: Unknown name