8008289925Have you received a call from 800-828-9925? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (800) 828-9925800-828-9925 / (800) 828-9925 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Diamondgal on May 08, 2019"A non English person from overseas contacted me claiming to be from social security. He said am I speaking with "(my name) I said yes, he said, for verification please give me your social security number. I said. "You are a fake and i'm not giving you my social security number." At that point. he said. FUCK YOU, YOU BITCH! Really? This isn't the first time i've been contacted by a group claiming to be from social security. I would never give out my info, but they had my name" DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 800-828-9925? SUBMIT A REPORT |