83244Have you received a call from 83244? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number 8324483244 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Jess on December 22, 2021"Received text from 83244. I do not know what its for. All MD-State Valid Licenses could still be due $1200.00 by December 23 www.goingtopolicy.live/4bc/7e25c ((stop 2 end))" Submitted by Guest User on December 10, 2021 "All Valid State licenses in SD-state can get back $800.00 by DEC.11.21 www.atservicepolicy.com/36e/b430a stop 2 end " CALLER ID: 83244 Submitted by Guest User on November 29, 2021 "Got a text from 83244 on Nov 19 saying that "valid GA-State Licenses can get you $660". Today that same number texted again this time for $1000. I don't even live in Georgia anymore but do have a GA area on my cell number." CALLER ID: 83244 Submitted by moon on November 26, 2021 "$1200.00 back by 11/27/21 for all Valid OH-State licenses... www.policyspower.live/0fa/45dd0" Submitted by Neptune on November 25, 2021 "we received an unwanted short code spam text message with a link attached from this number 83244 firstly, we didn't ask for financial help, secondly, we didn't give our phone number and we don't know what this short code text number 83244 wants from us, lastly, we don't know how they got our phone number and we've copied and pasted the short code spam text message below " $900.00 back by 11/25/21 for all Valid OH-State licenses... www.radicalinsure.live/a94/80dd9" Submitted by Jeebs on November 23, 2021 "$600.00 back by 10/22/21 for all Valid WA-State licenses... www.bringinsures.live/c80/d1369 --Stop2end--" CALLER ID: 83244 CALLER COMPANY: ? Submitted by Guest User on November 22, 2021 "we received an unwanted short code spam text message with a link from this number 83244 firstly, we didn't give our phone number and we didn't ask for financial help, secondly, we don't know what this short code text number 83244 wants from us, lastly, we don't know how they got our phone number and we've copied and pasted the short code spam text message below " $700.00 back by 10/23/21 for all Valid OH-State licenses... www.primalinsures.live/400/a37ad" Submitted by Guest User on November 22, 2021 "We received an unwanted short code spam text message with a link from this number 83244 firstly,we didn't give our phone number and we didn't ask for financial help, secondly, we don't know what this short code text number 83244 wants from us, lastly, we don't know how they got our phone number and we've copied and pasted the short code spam text message below " $500.00 back by 10/25/21 for all Valid OH-State licenses... www.viewsinsure.live/c4f/df27e" DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 83244? SUBMIT A REPORT |