8706534368Have you received a call from 870-653-4368? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (870) 653-4368870-653-4368 / (870) 653-4368 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by Michael Green on October 19, 2020"reporting the call as a scam call from the firefighter.s and the number was scam the last time from this number." CALLER ID: firefighter.s CALLER COMPANY: legalshield.com Submitted by Michael Green on September 23, 2020 "the person Deane l Battle is trying to sale a house and look like a scam call on to get money for house that she never owned in the 1st place now. the house set on 379 miller county 482 Fouke arkansas 71837- 8025" CALLER ID: Deane l Battle CALLER COMPANY: legalshield.com DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 8706534368? SUBMIT A REPORT |