8882316262Have you received a call from 888-231-6262? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number (888) 231-6262888-231-6262 / (888) 231-6262 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by bIgBoI on August 21, 2019"This is Bank of America fraud applications dept. May be calling because someone took out a credit card in your name." Submitted by Chi D on April 18, 2019 "This is NOT a scam. It is Bank Of America's Fraud Department calling to verify a credit card application. In my case my ID was stolen a month ago and that person has been trying to obtain credit cards in my name. Their callback is also 888-230-6262" CALLER COMPANY: Bank Of America Submitted by s on June 23, 2015 "claim to be from bank of american fruad dept. I called BoA they said this is a scam and it wasn't them" CALLER ID: 8882316262 CALLER COMPANY: Bank of America DID YOU RECEIVE A CALL FROM 8882316262? SUBMIT A REPORT |