01825761727Have you received a call from 01825 761727? Submit a report and help provide information that may assist in stopping them from calling us all. Following are phone call reports that have been submitted regarding the phone number 01825 76172701825 761727 Phone Number Reports:Submitted by shirley foulkes on April 04, 2022"phew what a relief thanks Sarah and Tony good luck with that" Submitted by The Official Lewes Racecourse Archive on November 28, 2021 "Please note that The Official Lewes Racecourse Archive has reported this thread and the allegations for investigation. Thank you for bringing this to our attention." Submitted by The Dodge Geezer on November 24, 2021 "We Don't withhold it on purpose, it is automatically. Shame the man from the official Lewes Racecourse archive didn't withhold his, when he called that number at 2am We called it back at 9am on Speaker and the clown answered, "Hello," When one of us replied. He hung up. Now that's Dodgy." Submitted by Katie G on November 19, 2021 "Why would anyone who is publicly advertising their number on their website withold it when calling someone. All sounds a bit dodgy." CALLER COMPANY: Lewes Racecourse History Submitted by Jason Foulkes on August 27, 2021 "Ooh the irony Funny how people have only been following for 2 years since Sarah Neels and Tony Johnson left. Not the last 9 years. None of these people have contacted us directly. Please call us on the number and identify yourself. Also the phone number is witheld, so it does not show on caller id. It only takes ones email to confirm the IP addresses of all these complaints. Odds on they are made from a couple of different devices." Submitted by Jason Foulkes on August 27, 2021 "Ooh the irony Funny how people have only been following for 2 years since Sarah Neels and Tony Johnson left. Not the last 9 years. None of these people have contacted us directly. Please call us on the number and identify yourself. Also the phone number is witheld, so it does not show on caller id. It only takes ones email to confirm the IP addresses of all these complaints. Odds on they are made from a couple of different devices." Submitted by Calvin on August 14, 2021 "Been following this group for a couple of years. It is "Believable" how this group have reacted. It looks like they are targeting only one person out of revenge of reporting harassment from this group which has been noted from one of the repeated comments. Read the comments carefully and note all of the usual signs to be wary of when dealing with these types of people." CALLER COMPANY: Lewes Racecourse History Group Submitted by Dodgy Geezer on June 30, 2021 "3 Complaints on 3rd April 2020, the Day the Official Lewes Racecourse Archive gave us a Tiny Glimpse of their website." Submitted by katie on June 30, 2021 "The bad comments on this page sound like Sarah Neels who is a troll and uses many name's she sent me a complaint about the people who use this number and the wording was the same as some of the complaints on this site. unbelievable." Submitted by Jason Foulkes on June 27, 2021 "Firstly, the number is withheld so it would never appear on your phone. So if these people are real, then they are liars. Secondly, I have had no contact with Heidi and I would have used my own phone. As for trolling, check out twitter for the person trolling me. Thirdly, a call was made to my place of work last July, claiming to be a Parish Clerk in Lewes. We have the number logged and linked it to a group this person Chairs. She went on tell my colleague I was harassing her and the police are involved."